Воппер® Фирменный, сытный бургер с овощами, со 100% говядиной, приготовленной на открытом огне
1250 ₸
Воппер® джуниор комбо
Воппер® Джуниор комбо Фирменный бургер среднего размера со свежими овощами и 100% говядиной, приготовленной на гриле, а также Кинг Фри (М), соус на выбор, Coca-Cola 0,4 мл.
1150 ₸
Воппер® джуниор
Воппер® Джуниор Фирменный бургер среднего размера со свежими овощами и 100% говядиной, приготовленной на гриле. *Дополни бургер сыром или халапеньо на вкус.
The tables were not cleaned (there was no one at the cash register). The boy who was preparing the orders quickly came up and called... Later, a woman came out and cleaned the tables...
For this stuff 2850))) Guys, doners are tastier and bigger...
Last Saturday, I went to the King Box with the children, I heard that the order was ready, I knew that 2 more bottles of Cola had been punched on the receipt, I thought that maybe there was a box inside, but unfortunately we did not find any drinks at home. And it takes 40 minutes to drive back, I decided to at least call them, but people will be surprised!!! No one's phone is working!!! From the word at all!!! I called several branches, but the result is the same. The numbers listed on the Internet do not work. The children were very upset!!! Thank you!
Moderator, your position to restrict freedom of expression by rejecting well-reasoned and censoriously worded reviews does not stand up to any criticism.
You may not like my opinion - it's your right. But on what basis are you rejecting my review without even explaining the reasons?
Or is it only possible to praise someone in Yandex reviews? Is it impossible to express dissatisfaction?