Новый вайбовый А4 Бокс Back To School! В каждом боксе от Влада А4 тебя ждет яркая игрушка Вайбик А4 из новой коллекции. Наслаждайся вкусными блюдами и миксуй Вайбиков на браслете
13.99 Br369 g
Джуниор обед Доставка
Воппер Джуниор или Наггетсы 6 шт. (на выбор); Напиток газ. 0,5 л (на выбор), Кинг Фри малый
11.99 Br488 g
Союзмультбокс Доставка
Смотри-ка! В Бургер Кинг заглянули твои любимые герои из Союзмультфильма: Винни-Пух, Карлсон, Волк из Ну, погоди!, Кот Матроскин и другие. В каждом боксе ты найдёшь мультяша вместе с вкусным комбо (картофель, бургер и напиток на выбор). Найди редкого
As in the West: clean, fast, polite. It will probably be everywhere so soon. But there is no atmosphere typical of earlier catering establishments, as cafes, canteens and other facilities were called. And the very process of eating has turned into a process of eating semi-finished products, for which neither plates, nor spoons, nor, God forbid, knives are needed. All hands, all on the run. I would like to know where we are running and for what. Neither the institution nor, moreover, the employees are to blame - they are put in such conditions and standards, as I have already said - everything is clean, fast, polite. Thanks!
A good burger King. Everything is done quickly, but sometimes it is delayed. Everything is delicious, terminals (self-service kiosks) are there, they work properly. I recommend it, you can have a delicious meal.
It's very tasty, I love it to the point of insanity, BUT... For the second time in a row, we waited for an order for more than 25 minutes, and for the first time, okay, there were a lot of people (I understand everything), but today, before closing, 7 orders were given 27 minutes on the monitor, and why? Yes, because the whole kitchen was disbanded, 2 people in the kitchen. And the administrator, instead of helping, calmly walked and closed the cash registers , and she didn't care that people were standing for 30 minutes