Приготовленный на огне бифштекс из 100% говядины, сочный помидор, свежий нарезанный салат, густой майонез, хрустящие огурчики и свежий лук на мягкой булочке, посыпанной кунжутом
4 Br132 g
Пирожок с вишней
Горячий хрустящий пирожок с начинкой из ароматной с пелой вишни
3 Br66 g
Чизбургер Двойной
Два приготовленных на огне фирменных говяжьих бифштекса, два ломтика слегка расплавленного сыра, хрустящий маринованный огурчик, лук, горчица и кетчуп. И все это в подрумяненной и посыпанной кунжутом булочке
5 Br154 g
Чикен Тар-Тар
Мы приготовили что-то особенное! Новый соус Тартар подчеркивает вкус сочной курочки с сыром Пармезан! А ещё внутри свежие томаты, салат Айсберг, лучок - на картофельной булочке с кунжутом
5 Br185 g
Ангус Пармеджано
Наслаждайся каждым сырным укусом! Нежный мраморный бифштекс Абердин Ангус, пикантный Пармезан и щедрая порция соуса Пармеджано! А ещё внутри салат Айсберг, маринованный красный лучок и свежие томаты на мягкой булочке бриошь
14.5 Br295 g
Воппер® - это вкуснейшая приготовленная на огне 100% говядина с сочными помидорами, свежим нарезанным листовым салатом, густым майонезом, хрустящими маринованными огурчиками и свежим луком на нежной булочке с кунжутом
10 Br273 g
Воппер с сыром
Приготовленный на огне бифштекс из 100% говядины, два нежных ломтика сыра, сочные помидоры, свежий нарезанный салат, густой майонез, хрустящие огурчики и свежий лук на нежной булочке с кунжутом
11 Br293 g
Кинг Фри XL
Горячий и свежий картофель Кинг Фри - золотистые и хрустящие ломтики отлично дополнят любой обед
5.9 Br160 g
Кинг Фри большой
Горячий и свежий картофель Кинг Фри - золотистые и хрустящие ломтики отлично дополнят любой обед
It was a good place to eat, but now you have to wait 20-30 minutes for an order, and this is with an online order, and large orders are collected faster, and the burger that needs to be given to me lies for 5-10 minutes, they give you a cold product, it's easier to get to the train station and back than to wait for the order to be issued
I don't like that the application shows that the order was issued on time, that is, after 10 minutes, and burgerking did not respond to the complaint that was filed more than a month ago at this point.
12/18/2024 (about 11.20)
1. When ordering through the kiosk, an order was selected on the spot, as a result, for some reason it was collected "with itself". Well, OK, it's not critical, you never know if the trays are over.
2. Instead of the average potato, a small one was found as a result.
3. Why do I have to try to guess which of the finished orders is under my number? Why is the order in the status "ready" on the scoreboard, although in fact it is not yet?
For some reason, the staff cannot say the numbers of ready orders out loud, they just put them on the counter and leave without even looking (and say hello to the dissatisfied girl working on orders at this time). To find your own (which was originally indicated as "on the spot"), you need to try to guess and review all orders at the counter yourself. Is this your new system?)
Clarified: on December 15, 2024, we were at your establishment around 19:00, the payment was made at about 19:10 at a self-service kiosk, as a result, we waited 1.5 hours waiting for the order, we received the order at about 20:30, while we were waiting, we went to the grocery store and bought a loaf, and the children ate half of it. Upon receiving the order, I had to go to the delivery table at least three more times, as they forgot to give out coffee with a muffin, then it turned out that there was no juice, then they saw that they hadn't put a spoon with a straw either; the order was picked up immediately as soon as it appeared on the scoreboard (at about 20.30), but the burger was eventually cold The ice cream on the muffin was melted. The cuar code for issuing the drink worked very tight, the discount in the store certainly makes its way faster...