Медикаментозное прерывание беременности 1 этап - осмотр гинеколога, УЗИ органов малого таза, консультация гинеколога. *Взятие мазков на флору и онкоцитологию - цену формирует лаборатория-партнёр на день взятия материала
Good afternoon! I would like to express my gratitude to the bullfinch Medical center.
I attended professional oral hygiene. We made an appointment with Irina Goreglyad's dentist. The service was provided quickly, efficiently and painlessly. The doctor gave recommendations, professionally noting my individual characteristics.
I was politely greeted at the reception, escorted out, and after the procedure, the administrator immediately offered to sign up for the next procedure.
I was very pleased with the reception.
Thank you very much!
I express my great gratitude to Dr. Kolosovsky Irina Mikhailovna! A professional in her field, a positive doctor, pleasant in communication, performed tooth extraction quickly and efficiently! Thank you very much! I recommend the medical center and this doctor!!!
I was at a gynecologist's appointment today with Gudkova N.V. A very sensitive, attentive specialist. I have never had such a comfortable reception: painlessly, quickly and efficiently. I explained everything, calmed down and gave recommendations. I would like to mention Olga Tumash separately. He is a very polite, pleasant and positive person. I will definitely come back to this medical center to see this doctor again.