Вы пройдете полный курс обучения, включающий теоретические (170 часов) и практические занятия (50 часов), предусмотренные Единой программой подготовки водителей механических транспортных средств категории "В".
690 Br
Подготовка водителей категории А
Курсы вождения мотоцикла в Бресте — одна из услуг автошколы «Брестская областная автомобильная школа». Нашим будущим курсантам мы предлагаем 2 новых мотоцикла Hors F-160 (оптимальный для новичка и для обучения).
I signed up for driving in June, and I'll say this, the school is awesome, starting from the classroom and ending with the teachers. Special thanks to Dmitry Dmitrievich, a very good teacher. He will always help and tell you. What and how . 10 out of 10 driving school , you will not regret if you go there to study 😎✊
*** , in fact, the fee is obtained like everyone else, although initially it is supposedly lower than the old car park.driving, during study, 24 hours, 14 were completed, the remaining hours upon completion of the head teacher, could be passed after passing the internal exam, before passing to the traffic police, This moment has come, and she does not want to hear about the clock, it is in the papers that driving is passed, the exam is passed and the question is closed. And this teacher brazenly lies to my son's face that she couldn't say such a thing, it's terrible.Don't get fooled