Тренажерный зал - идеальное место для тех, кто хочет обзавестись красивым и подтянутым телом, т.е. хочет сбросить лишний вес, нарастить мышцы, приобрести красивую осанку, а также избавиться от одышки и проблем с сердечно-сосудистой системой.
5.7 Br1.5 h
Супер Скульпт (Super Sculpt)
- это система аэробных упражнений и силовых нагрузок, которые направлены на совершенствование тела и развитие всего комплекса мышечных групп. Запись онлайн...
We stopped when we were on a business trip. An ordinary hotel on the shore of the Rowing Canal. It is very warm, there are beautiful views from the balcony if the windows overlook the canal. The room has a refrigerator, microwave, excellent comfortable furniture. We lived in a room with a living room and a bedroom and two exits to the balcony. In Brest, we will stop only at the Rowing.
A wonderful sports center. It provides a large number of services: medical, hotel, cafe, sports, and parking services for transport more than a day, etc. I am happy to visit the Rowing Center.
I'm writing a review about the channel more, not about the complex. The place for jogging and roller skating is just wonderful. You can rent bicycles (5p. - hour). It is a pity that the channel itself is not very popular even among Belarusians. But he is one of the best in the world (!).