I didn't like it, the hot dog is the most common, delicious, the sausage is fresh, but not by 9p, the price is too high.
As for the shawarma, it's a failure, it's not tasty, it's thin, there's not enough filling, something is missing, and it's a pleasure for 13p, at such moments, I want to sing odes of love to shawarma on a horseshoe.
As for the hall, the tables are sticky, probably no one wipes, it is impossible to put your hands on the table, the jacket immediately sticks, the tray was the same
Usually, in such large establishments there is a toilet, but not here.
Very nice staff, nice and friendly girls. The shawarma is delicious,well twisted,there is a lot of filling,pita bread does not tear and does not leak, there is a lot of sauce and, surprisingly, it is not mayonnaise,a lot of meat and fresh vegetables
I don't know what to whom, but shawarma is clearly better than many establishments with non-Russian guys... I didn't even have heartburn, honestly.
The place clearly looks like it's for girls) but nevertheless, I liked the set (where the white man with the size of a plate), it was profitable for me.
I came here on the advice of a blogger, I don't live far away, but I've tried shawarma everywhere.