In general, it's not bad there. But it could be better if the dishes were not over-salted) there was a banquet, everything was over-salted) usually salt should be on the table, if suddenly someone does not have enough. And we couldn't eat because of the over-salted dish,) I ate fruits)
The salads were not tasty, the portions were not very seasoned with sauce, there were few! It 's very hot in the hall ! The kitchen is terrible! I didn 't like it !
For banquets : the decoration of the hall is not bad , there is a place for tables and a dance floor, the kitchen is quite good.I also liked the design of the dishes.My grading is 4
A banquet was held .
Terrible kitchen
They left hungry
The dish from the chef is raw beetroot carrots covered with salted nuts (it looks like a salad brush) but we do not provide food
I don't know how representative this is: I've been to this cafe several times and it was birthdays, anniversaries, I ate everything and it was all delicious