My wife called electricians, technicians, from this department, I was not satisfied with the work, a young guy was present, he was doing something in the security device, for a long time and it was just necessary to add another access key. After his manipulations, the alarm system stopped being taken under guard, I had to call another technician an hour later, although it would seem that the work was no more than 5 minutes, The young man also answered my questions sluggishly, either he did not get enough sleep, or he shot something, how they generally passed the commission is not clear. The second technician passed away, everything was quickly done as it should be, clarified about the salary of skpzali 660-700BYN, it immediately became clear why there are no intelligent specialists with experience, unless you can feed a family for this. The subscription fee is being increased now it is 16BYN, and they forget to raise the salary so that the SPK can hold on.
I am proud of our country, our city and our police! Evgeny Klimkovich is a warrant officer and Nikolai Myadelets is a sergeant . Men are prepared, ethics are observed with a bang! I'm proud of my city and the security department! Thanks !
Сейчас расценки тарифы на сигнализацию, зависят от базовой величены, те будут повышать с 1-го января каждого года примерно на 2BYN, Как раньше было повышали два раза в год. Что касаемо про технарей с отзыва ниже, они действительно меняются каждый год, приходят ко мне вижу каждый раз новые лица, в основном стажёр или студент, от этого качество ремонта сигнализации снижается.
Были нормальные ребята Андрей Клещенок, Шушкевич, Николай, фамилию не помню, они уже работают в другом месте, так как зарплаты низкие никто не задерживается, вот по этому я и вижу студентов на ремонт сигнализации. Очень бы хотелось опытных специалистов.