I would like to recommend this medical center to everyone who has back problems.highly qualified specialists will always find a solution to your problem. I would like to mention O.A. Mikhailov, a chiropractor, and Igor Nikolaevich, a massage therapist, with whom I am being treated. In just a couple of sessions, lower back pain has decreased significantly and, judging by the trend, it will disappear completely in a couple more sessions.The result justifies the cost.Always polite, friendly staff and a pleasant atmosphere in the center.
I would like to express my gratitude to the Bolispine Center and especially to Oleg Anatolyevich Mikhailov, chiropractor, for his professionalism and effective treatment. I had back problems, lower back pain, and stiffness in my back muscles. After several sessions of massage and manual therapy, my condition improved significantly. I feel much better now, thank you very much!
I recommend.
I have problems with my back. I have addressed many people. There was no result. I just threw in the money.We recommended this clinic. After 4 sessions and daily classes, I'm on the mend. A good specialist. Good administrators.thanks to all the staff. (take care of your health and contact specialists ahead of time. Everything is in your hands)