Hello. I'm in college. I'm not complaining. Ekaterina Konstantinovna Tedoradze is an excellent teacher and organizer. Who will welcome you at any time. When I graduate from this educational institution. I'm going to enroll in a teaching course. And I will take the prestigious place of Ekaterina Konstantinovna Tedoradze. A good buffet where Svetlana Alekseevna can give you something to eat and talk in a difficult moment. Anna Sergeevna Astashova is a good director. The best deputy director is Ekaterina Kramko. Excellent teachers. The best ones. A great educational institution. What I want to say about the hostel. It's a great place. I advise everyone to enroll in the Bobruisk State Automobile College.
He studied here from 2003 to 2007. Only good memories. And this knowledge has been very useful to me in my life. But of course it is absolutely impossible to teach everything, the educational institution provides a base that needs to be constantly replenished independently. As the then director Leshchinsky said, unfortunately he forgot his first and middle name, you need to study all your life. Thanks a lot to all my teachers.
I got into the BGAK, be proud, be happy. Teachers who give knowledge can be counted on their fingers, but thank them very much for this. Don't even think about studying for a license there, it will be easier in a driving school and the price will eventually come out about the same, you will save so much nerves thanks to this.