Оценка персонала методом Тайный покупатель: онлайн, звонок, переписка, встреча. Маркетинговые исследования: онлайн-опросы, фокус-группы, глубинные интервью, кабинетные исследования, тайный покупатель, метод NPS, ассессмент центр, Хоган
50 Br
Бизнес-тренинги в корпоративном формате. Все темы: B2B, B2C, FMCG; Продажа мебели и кухонь; Продажа недвижимости; Туристические услуги; IT. Любая тема по деловым коммуникациям и маркетингу
Thanks to Vitaly for his inspiration and knowledge!
I cannot but express my gratitude to Vitaly for an amazingly conducted sales master class for business representatives! Within two hours, I gained a huge amount of experience, knowledge and practical skills, thanks to which I now have a clear idea of the goal, understand where to move, where to look for resources and how much effort to invest. 🚀💼
Vitaly was able not only to share his experience, but also to inspire us to new achievements. His passion and professionalism are simply contagious! Every word, every example, every advice was like diamonds, which I now keep in my arsenal of knowledge.
Thank you, Vitaly, for opening our eyes to new opportunities and paving the way for success in sales. Your master class has become a source of inspiration and motivation for us. We are ready to move forward, applying your valuable lessons and advice!
3 days of training on effective sales of kitchens with Vitaly Dubovik for the Pinskdrev company in Minsk were very fruitful.Only pleasant impressions remained .The clear structure of the training, its connection with specific problems arising in the course of current work, were considered in the form of a light, relaxed game. The competent combination of theory and practice did not leave anyone aside, everyone was overwhelmed with emotions. Thank you, Vitaly, for the professionally organized training and we wish you to always be on top.
I remember how we started, I am very grateful for this experience! Honestly, you responded then and gave points to my development. You can say that you believed, trusted, and that's very valuable.