Тур Большая Киргизия это насыщенный авто-тур по северу и югу Кыргызстана
— большой авто-тур
— летние пастбища, юрты, домашние животные
— треккинг налегке
— обширная культурная программа
— этнография народов Средней Азии
— без предоплаты, детям скидка
— русский гид
110000 с
Тур Весенняя Киргизия это пять ликов весны — восстановление после зимы
горные первоцветы, большое путешествие, треккинг налегке, водопады, алые маки, история и культура, без предоплаты, детям скидка, русский гид
100000 с
Тур Внутренний Тянь-Шань это активное путешествие с радиалками по высокогорью
Высокогорный трекинг, конные прогулки и радиалки без больших рюкзаков.
Все большие озера и жемчужина Кыргызстана — озеро Кель-Суу.
We were on the Inner Tien Shan tour, amazing Kyrgyzstan, a very convenient format for traveling. Alexander's guide has thought everything out to the smallest detail. Convenient transportation, excellent driver-mechanic, cool locations, breakfast-lunch - dinner time, good accommodation in guest houses and yurts. There is a place to wash, charge your phone. The route itself is conveniently built, to the extent of physical activity. In general, I liked everything, there's not even anything to add. I recommend it to everyone. At first glance, it seems that it is expensive. But if you try to calculate the cost of moving, driver's work, food, rent, excursions, etc., you will get the same amount. But the impressions are worth the money
The tour of Greater Kyrgyzstan 26.08- 4.09. Reality exceeded expectations. 1600 photos were taken, impressions of the beauty of Kyrgyzstan will be enough for a long time. Traveling companions found the nature of different countries here - and pieces of Altai, and Tuscany, and New Zealand, and even the fjords of Norway. It is difficult to highlight any moments in detail - everything is very emotional, beautiful and diverse. Perhaps the passes are more imprinted. There were many of them and they are unique and beautiful in their own way. We also admired the mountain lakes of the Sara - Chelek Nature Reserve. 4 large turquoise eyes surrounded by mountains. There were 3-4 locations a day, and how many more wonderful moments flashed outside the bus window.Along the way, Alexander talked a lot and showed videos about nature, traditions, and the way of life of the people of this amazing country. The people are friendly, the food is delicious, the nature is magnificent... And what sunsets, sunrises and water on Issyk Kul and Son Kul! I thank the Creator and Alexander for visiting this wonderful place on our beautiful planet!
For the second time in this wonderful mountainous country, a week after the Inner Tien Shan tour.He's not letting go yet!
A diverse, interesting, active, informative, delicious, well-organized and very beautiful tour by nature-everything is as we love!Many thanks to Alexander for his love of business and the opportunity to convey to the guests all the most interesting and traditional things of this country. We are waiting for the next season, there is still a desire to see even more of Kyrgyzstan and what surrounds it.