It's the most disgusting Tom yam I've ever eaten in my life. And in general, this is not Tom yam. There is no taste at all, only a slight aroma of tom yam. A couple of shrimps, mushrooms of not the best quality and pepper. That's it. No galangal, no ginger, no lemongrass. The consistency is not the best, there is almost no sharpness. A tiny portion, for some reason, of sweet rice, which of course does not go with the soup at all. Apparently they just take it from another dish. I think it's better to remove this soup from the menu altogether, so as not to embarrass yourself and not show such disrespect to customers who pay money for it.
The pizza is edible, but I wouldn't order it a second time. Crooked pieces of sausage don't look very nice from above.
On the plus side: We called back and confirmed the order, it was delivered on time.
Disgusting delivery, terrible pizza, in fact only 2 cheeses in 4, although it is declared as part of mozzarella and dorblu, only the taste of the ointment is felt in the rolls, I have not tasted worse, an abomination.