A modern IT university in Belarus and throughout the CIS. Advanced learning technologies, experienced teaching staff, extensive experience in the field of personnel training in the IT field, friendly, businesslike atmosphere in the creative team of teachers and students
This building houses the Department of Education and their option to make an apostille on educational documents. I had a negative experience with this office. The bureaucracy is complete(((
See original
Anonymous review
March 31, 2020
It's hard to study. Sometimes the teachers are not adequate. For reasons that are not clear, they put up marks.
They don't teach you anything. The teachers are either old senile people who froze in 1970, or people who do not understand anything in the discipline that they "lead". There were a couple of very good Teachers who were fired.
See original
Anonymous review
September 5, 2019
It's stuffy in the sun, sometimes you can't disperse on the stairs