For your money, this is a great place to live (as of 12.2024 - 50 rubles/bed/month). 1) You can wake up 15 minutes before steam and still have time for biofac / raf/ fgc 2)Due to compliance with all standards for the density of dorms (<6 m2 / person), it is possible to socialize (for example, for children who did not leave the house) and find a lot of friends. 3) There is a beautiful grove nearby where you can walk and again find friends, especially those who are thirsty on August 31. 4) If you are a biologist, then the rich entomofauna of the interstitial spaces of the dormitory will provide you with an object for research and perhaps you will love them so much that you will become an animal rights activist 5) The kindest administration supports your emotional tone, regularly encouraging you to observe the necessary order, labor and cultural methods, methods of personal and group conversation are used to raise children. 6) There is wired and wireless Internet for 40 rubles/month/ block (there are 6-8 people in the block), paid buffets, washing machines, free gym and playground with equipment, self-training rooms (which is useful because for fire safety purposes there are 2-3 tables in a room with 4 people), transport to more central points Minsk walks regularly (≈once/20 minutes), which provides opportunities for a high standard of living. 7) For safety reasons, the use of heating and cooling devices is limited, for example, microwave ovens, curling irons, boilers, refrigerators in the amount of > 1 refrigerator / unit. All this stimulates the mental activity of students and helps them to better solve difficult tasks in the future.
An ordinary dormitory. The block system. The rooms and kitchens are small. Shower room, bathroom in the block. It is located just behind the Mkad. 20 minutes walk from Malinovka metro station.
IT'S A TERRIBLE PLACE! You'd better look for an apartment, you'll never regret it. An insane number of bedbugs, the dorm administration doesn't care about this problem. There is a risk of bringing these parasites to your home. There are a lot of cockroaches, old repairs everywhere, rooms are not designed for 4 people, only for 3.