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February 24, 12:04
Диагностика работы генератора, стартера, утечки тока на вашем автомобиле совершенно бесплатно!
February 24, 12:03
Бесплатная диагностика вашего аккумулятора!
February 24, 12:01
Products and services
Updated: February 24
Зарядное устройство MAXINTER PLUS-10 AT, Китай
Трансформаторное зарядное устройство для зарядки стартерных свинцово-кислотных аккумуляторных батарей емкостью до 80 Ач, в т. ч. глубоко разряженных автомобильных аккумуляторов.
Ток заряда: 1-10 А
Номинальное напряжение заряжаемой батареи: 12 В
115 Br1 pcs.
Зарядка и обслуживание аккумуляторных батарей
Бесплатно проверим ваш аккумулятор и если нужно зарядим!
If you are a person who understands little about the choice of this type of equipment, they will help you with the choice, they will pick up what you need, the guarantees for the entire range are gorgeous, 3-4 years, for me this is a gift. Nice, sociable guys helped bring the purchase to the car. I advise you not to pass by, now there are few places where you will find service and good service in one place.
Great store! Sales consultant Nikolay - 10 points, advised, prompted, helped with the choice. We made a good discount and took the old battery as a credit. The service is at the proper level!
It's a great store. Perhaps the best in the city for the sale of batteries. I am very glad that they do not just sell you the first battery they find, but provide advice and clarify all the points. The sellers are great, they don't look down on you and try to really help. I definitely recommend it!