Arvika стала ярким представителем стиля Сканди. Присущий ему минимализм нашел свое отражение в тиснении горизонтальными линиями, которые создают легкий рельеф на полотне, а также подчеркивают строгие пропо рции межкомнатной двери.
435.6 Br1 pcs.
Межкомнатная дверь Alta отличается универсальным и лаконичным внешним видом, который позволяет ей гармонично дополнять любой интерьер. Для стабильной геометрии каркас выполнен из 100%-го массива.
466.8 Br1 pcs.
Avesta может дополнить интерьер или стать его акцентной деталью, если полотно будет окрашено в яркий оттенок. Дизайн разработан по традициям скандинавского минимализма, поэтому межкомнатная дверь гармонично впишется и в жилое, и в офисное помещение.
We started repairing the apartment. There was a question about buying new interior doors. The market is full of offers for every taste. We couldn't decide for a long time. We decided to contact a trusted company, advised by friends. And they didn't regret it at all. The staff are polite and competent. They helped me decide, they suggested all the nuances. The doors fit perfectly into our interior. We were very satisfied!
We bought an apartment on the secondary market and decided to order new doors. In the salon on Umanskaya, which is not far from us, there was an enormous choice of doors. The manager helped with the selection, he spoke in detail about the advantages of the models. We made an order and our doors were ready within the specified time. The door was put neatly and quickly, it is clear that the masters have a lot of experience. As a result, it turned out stylish and modern, I am very pleased. I will also order the front door here.
Home to the bedroom I bought an interior door here. In terms of prices, everything is fine - I found a lot of good options here for my capabilities, I had to think about which door is better to buy. It's okay, I'm happy