Мужские ботинки из натуральной кожи на зиму с подкладкой из ше рсти
153.53 Br
Сапоги женские высокие из натуральной кожи
Материал верха: натуральная кожа
Вид застежки: молния и резинка
Материал подкладки: текстиль
Полнота: G1/2
Обхват голенища, см: 37
Высота голенища, см: 41
Вид каблука: стандартный средний (до 8 см)
высота каблука, см: 6.5
166.37 Br
Угги на зиму из натуральной кожи
Угги на зиму из натуральной кожи, стильные и удобные
The assortment is the same as in all other stores, you can choose shoes for yourself at a pleasant price! But questions to the staff.. perhaps it was only us who were so lucky, but when visiting this store, we had to unwittingly witness a quarrel between two co-workers. For a certain period of time, they sorted out their relationship right in the middle of the hall, then, fortunately, they retired to the office to resolve their conflict, and there was no one left in the hall..
A good store, a large selection of high-quality shoes from Belarus. Everything is fine, the product that I was looking for was not in stock, they suggested which store is in stock. Well done.