The store is cool, the design is very modern, the sellers tell you everything, the atmosphere is pleasant
And the prices are very nice.
So far, I have not found a better store in terms of price, quality, and service.
I liked the store. Good wine, we took dry red, French and Spanish, the prices are quite affordable. Testa coffee beans are also not bad, better than in our supermarkets definitely)
I like the store. Although I don't really like alcohol, but when I want to, you can find it for every taste. Maybe there are no famous brands there, but you definitely won't find a surrogate thanks to direct deliveries.
This store opened a long time ago, you can't say anything bad about it!There is a very huge selection of al.Drinks!If anyone has a holiday planned, then you should go to this store)))the staff is very nice, always polite and friendly!!!
A lot of wine, which I'm not interested in, so I won't say about it. As for strong alcohol, there are no famous brands, but there are foreign nounames at an affordable price and quality (I took tequila and rum). Domestic swill is more expensive than in chain supermarkets.
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Show business's response
Экспертное мнение
Level 8 Local Expert
September 3, 2022
Being a good home expert of wine and various alcohol, having a home bar of expensive and delicious bottles, I note that this institution does not deserve even one star
After all, all the bottles seem to be locally bottled by the company itself
The frequent history of bringing alcohol by tank cars has acquired the uncomplicated appearance of these cheap labels
Some nameless alcohol brands. Registration, maintenance of standards.
I took whiskey at random. It didn't go down.
The prices were also not very's better to take something proven anyway.
The bomb shop!
The assortment, the prices, I liked everything. I highly recommend it, especially to Russians.
There are definitely no such prices in Russia!