Of course, it is very convenient that you come in at belpost, take a coupon at the terminal and you are in an electronic queue in a convenient place for you, and not in a tight queue, breathing into each other's necks, especially in winter when many people are very ill. And even in summer, when the heat is not very pleasant, it is really But inconvenient that not in all cases it is possible to check the parcel before paying for it, because the parcel may come from a seller with a kufor who may make a mistake and put something else or the right thing but of inadequate quality, appearance or integrity after the same delivery by belpost point, because anything happens. I understand that the post office is not as flexible as some private office like European Post, not to mention wildberries and ozone, on which it is simply the order of things when everyone has the right to check the parcel for compliance with prepayment, however, I would highly recommend belpost to correct this point because in this case it will become much more competitive. And this question would not stand at all if we lived in a creative society in which the life, safety and comfort of every person's life is in the very first place for the whole society and for every person on Earth. Imagine how great it will be when we all treat each other really like close people when everyone is ready to help absolutely anyone and will not pass by a single person in trouble. How great and pleasant it will be to live in such a world. How great it will be when everyone finally has enough money for any absolutely any purpose. When everyone can travel to any country at any time and for any time without risking anything. When no one will be afraid of losing their job and no one will leave an unloved hard unpleasant job, because everyone will certainly have a basic income of 10,000 dollars because in a creative society it is absolutely real. After all, imagine how much money will be released from the fact that there will be no armed conflicts and there will be no bureaucrats, there will be no corruption, there will be no greedy politicians and oligarchs, they simply will not be because they will completely disappear because in a self-government society, people themselves solve any issues on any scale. It has been possible to do this for a long time, but the question is why this is not being done and who does not benefit from making the world truly safe, fair and so that everyone lives in prosperity. I think many people guess. Well, it's not who's to blame, you're reading this message and you're already thinking yes, all these are fairy tales, it's all unreal, it's all dreams, it's all utopia, right? But dear people, subordination to just such thoughts in our heads to simple ordinary pictures in our brain does not allow us to live in such a world because if all of us, each of us, started talking about a creative society in reviews in chat messages at work in the family, then believe me very, very soon we would start in it to live because we would create a global demand to build a society that no politician in the world would dare to oppose. But precisely because the vast majority listens to the thought that this is impossible And thereby agrees with their impotence, which is absolutely unfair to themselves, that's why we still suffer in a world in which everyone devours each other and believe that it's okay to live like this.