The schedule of work with weekends on Sunday and Monday is not suitable for the modern rhythm of life. Everything is speeding up, and the weekend is like 20 years ago. Despite the 3 windows, the service is always only in one window. To receive an email, you need to stand in line for 40 minutes. This has a very negative effect on the mood and affects the quality of life of consumers. It's high time to change the service at this post office. There are enough employees, but the organization of work is unsatisfactory! At the same time, I would like to note that the head of the department and the staff are very qualified and polite in communication and service.
But it's time to change something and review the priorities in the work.
There are 2 chairs inside, but given the constant queue, these facilities are not available.
I hope the management will pay attention to my feedback and take action.
This site has been creating a lot of problems for years: they do not bring or send notifications to the messenger on time , or even do not notify at all .Serious registered letters are delayed, for example, with an appeal to the court or with the tax service - to appear at the specified time and impose a fine for non-appearance and untimely reaction…They send back international parcels (purchases) without notifying them of their arrival at the site at all.Unfortunately, documents and much more come to the place of residence automatically and there is no way to refuse to cooperate with these sites
There was always a residue from the visit..For a long time I struggled with the delivery of newspapers by subscription (sometimes they forgot, then the postman got sick, etc.) Now newspapers do not subscribe to all agitators to buy at kiosks (cheaper and quieter).I have tried many times to send a parcel abroad by courier -the same thing!Sometimes there is no printing, sometimes there is no machine, sometimes there are no scales!Although the application is accepted on the website without any problems.In general, I do not recommend it.