In general, mail and mail. There are no complaints or complaints about the work of the staff and the provision of services. The girl operators work fast, I've never had any problems.
There are questions about the household organization of work, but this is for the management of the department itself and the higher-ups. Of all the post offices in the city that I have visited, this is the poorest, even beggarly (sorry!). On the positive side, I can mention the terminal for the electronic queue - but since there are still two "windows", the queues themselves have not gone away, so I come to this branch only until the morning hours. The rest of the impressions are so-so. The room is small, there is no ventilation (it's already scary to mention the air conditioner!): in summer I try not to go there unnecessarily - it's stuffy, hot, and dizzy...if there is still a queue, then...
the entourage of the department leaves much to be desired. Providing customers with the basic things they might need - none at all: There are no pens or paper on the tables for customers and on the counters...I have to ask the operators to distract the employees, to interfere with other people. At least there are spring-loaded handles in other compartments! One could say that there is room for growth, but the department has been operating for many years!
A good post office. Polite female employees. We accepted a large number of parcels without any problems.
BUT!!!!!!!! Considering that Belpost has raised tariffs for services, operators still use an incomprehensible program that constantly freezes at an unnecessary moment. Also, I recently learned that making a parcel in my personal account is cheaper than at the branch, although I have not seen such information in general use.
It helps out badly. Finally, we put the terminal with tickets in the queue. Extremely convenient. Thank you. Friendly staff. Just from 20 to 25 is not worth it... there is a gathering of Old Believers with a cummunalka (poor hard workers of the post office). Overall, positive impressions