The malanka consistently produces much less than the declared power. At ambient temperatures below 0, it consistently and absolutely always outputs exactly 50% of the declared power, regardless of the charging station and location, regardless of whether you are charging hot or not. When charged at 22kW, it gives out exactly 11, at 50 - 27, at 100 - 50. Stable 50% power limit. Many speakers do not charge the euro car, you ask people when charging - everything is the same. Shame
Out of 10 charges, you always get into the drain 1 time, then the speakers don't work, then they work but they don't charge, then they overload there and the whole city can't charge for 2-3 hours! Launch private traders if you can't bring order
I would like to do more charging on this site. There are often no empty seats. Even at a positive temperature (slightly above zero), it produces less than half the power.