It is expensive, they do not consult, which is why you lose money and do not choose, they sell the most expensive insurance option for traveling abroad, I have already done it in the TASK for the second time. Maybe I was just unlucky with sales managers, but it feels like this. The TASK offered 2 insurance options, ranging from 30 irrevocable and up to 70 euros, which can be returned if, for example, a visa is refused. It cost 74 Euros in Belneftestras and no one explained the differences, the amount of payments is the same, maybe there are some chips there, but no one told me about it. However, I returned my money as soon as the visa ended and then I found out about it from the TASK, so the money would just burn, I rarely travel and did not know these nuances, although in general I then reread the text on the sheet, everything is described there, but I think not everyone reads if this insurance was not required, and briefly explain the main points, I think it was possible))
To begin with, when faced with the insurance payment for the car insurance, I was completely disappointed in this company. Firstly: the only place in Minsk where you can apply for insurance compensation is the office at 91 Prytytsky Street, where 2 specialists work for all clients. This is not the essence, the ultimate, but an indicator that it is apparently enough for their flow. Secondly: by applying for insurance compensation, you will be issued documents, offered the option to repair at their service station or pay money. Since my bumper was lapped and my hands were growing out of the right place, I preferred that I repair my car myself. Maybe that's why I'll stay even in a small win... but! Thirdly: to inspect the damage, I was sent to another address-apparently to a subsidiary office that provides such services, it is ultimately located nearby - at 44 Kolesnikova, but the bottom line is that on the day of the appeal I did not have time to go to the inspection, since I did not expect that this event would be held in a different way the address. The result of these events: 100 km spent on trips to make payments... Fourth, you will have a 20-day deadline for the payment of monetary compensation to the account in the Dabrabyt bank. When you come to the bank branch, you need to contact a specialist, then to the cashier. There was no limit to my surprise when I received 53 rubles at the box office.98 kopecks on hand to repair your bumper. Calling techtrans, the company that conducted the assessment, I argued that the selection of paint and varnish costs at least 40-50 rubles, and the bumper also needs to be removed, soldered, putty painted and put back on. Having a car 10 years older than 2 years ago, Belgosstrakh counted 170 rubles for such damage to me. The answer was that the varnish on the other half of the bumper had come off and the bumper was defective, so the payments could be zero at all... I have drawn the appropriate conclusions for myself... Well, I'll wait as long as I get counted for the rear bumper, which is not defective...