There is always one cash register, and there is always a queue.There is never an assistant at the self-service checkout.There are no shopping carts. The checkout doesn't have a product promotion feed.
This is my first review in my life and this is my last trip to this store. administration please pay attention to the eternal cashier who behaves "like a dog". The problem is that they came to this store with a child with a bottle of water (which was not much left), the boxes do not work, there is no guard, there is not a single person in the hall. At the checkout, the cashier rudely said to pay for water, scared the strongest child and violent activity almost to the police. The cameras were raised (they watched for 20 minutes) until they saw that they really came in with water. Of course, I understand everything, guys, but since you have non-working storage rooms and no security, you are already filtering, and moreover, what kind of tone, dear cashier, were you taught to talk to customers or did you memorize only phrases (do you need a package? , goodbye). I want to draw your attention to the fact that this is not the first time that this particular cashier behaves this way towards other customers (I have observed it more than once in the queue). I ask the administration to conduct an explanatory conversation as a minimum) I just don't want to go into your store. Although I respect the work of trade workers.