A rich variety of products. Very polite and professional sellers who are always ready to advise and help with the selection of any product. After visiting this store, there are always pleasant impressions.
I like this store, the location is convenient, easy to find.But I don't really like the staff that follows you around like a shadow.But again, they will help with the choice and suggest suitable options for lines of care products.Generally a 50/50 opinion about this store.
Previously, there was a large selection of everything, but now it feels like the store will sell the goods and close. Very sorry. Belarusian products and where everything is.
A spacious store, a large selection, excellent service.
Prices are not low, you can buy a foreign equivalent for the same amount...The quality, you know, is a cut above
I really liked this store. Excellent product quality, everything suits the price too. I go there all the time and have never had any problems with their products