Thanks to the doctor........We took our daughter (4 years old). Visited the dentist for the first time. Everything went perfectly. And the tooth was cured and we are not afraid of dentists now).
We would like to specifically note the doctor’s ability to find a common language with children. Before starting the procedures, the little one was allowed to explore the dentist’s office, get used to the chair, press buttons and understand that it’s not scary.
After the child adapted to the situation, the treatment was more like the help of a friend than a medical intervention, which she was afraid of.
We recommend !!!
Обратились к доктору Александеру по рекомендации и теперь с радостью рекомендуем сами! Очень приятный в общении человек и деликатный профессионал своего дела! Отдельно хочется отметить умение ладить с детьми и настроить процесс лечения позотивно) Если хотите, чтобы ребёнок в будущем не боялся стоматологов, смело обращайтесь в клинику, не пожалеете)
Alexander is a real professional and a very pleasant person, explains and tells everything. I have been to 3 clinics in Belgrade, I can only recommend this one. Thanks for the help!
Prvi put u životu mi poseta stomatologu nije bila stresna - nisam osetila nikakav bol čak ni bez anestezije.
Doktor usput objašnjava ceo proces i daje odgovore na svako pitanje, razumljive čak i za ljude van stomatološke struke.
Apsolutno zadobijeno poverenje od mene i odabran stomatolog za sve buduće intervencije! 🍀🦷