Every year for several years in a row I have been signing a compulsory car insurance contract at this point of "Belgosstrakh" and for 3 years in a row at the same insurance agent --- Kostevich S. V. It is always very fast and accurate, without errors, jambs and any problems. Everything is very clear, clear, concise and explained in human language. So last year I additionally took out voluntary driver's insurance and also insured the apartment, although I had never done this before in my life. This year I had to extend the contracts for another year just at the peak of the 4th wave of the Covid-19 pandemic and I really did not want to sit in the office of Belgosstrakh even for 20 minutes. Therefore, I called S. V. Kostevich and asked him to draw up all the contracts, and I will come in, pay and pick up the papers. After a few minutes, they confirmed to me that everything was ready and I could come. Half an hour later, I walked to the office: the payment and signatures took me no more than 2 minutes!!! Super-fast! Thank you very much.