Sitting in line for an hour in the afternoon, when two specialists are working, and your question takes no more than 5 minutes, it's beyond my strength. I ask the management to take a closer look at the employees and either increase their efficiency, or bring more people on shift!!!! There are 6 jobs, but only 2 are working!!!!!
Please explain to me how there cannot be more than one new one hundred dollar bill in 4 bank branches. You hide them on purpose or you don 't want to blow them on purpose . In Moscow, old banknotes have a different exchange rate, and this issue was very important to me. To travel all over Minsk and not buy new dollars is kind of absurd
The bank was strong and progressive. But lately, more and more often, something inside is malfunctioning. Of the latter, the ban on purchases on Steam and the refusal to service depot accounts without personal presence. Look, soon they will abandon the mobile application or force you to write an application for currency exchange at the checkout.