A fairly large room, Four Windows for visitors. Friendly pharmacists will always tell you How to take your medicine, if you don't know which one is better. You can also measure the pressure here. The queue is electronic, but the truth is, when I arrived, it never was. But if you suddenly find yourself in rush hour, there are two comfortable leather sofas where you can wait. Or sit comfortably and sort out your purchased medications .
The availability of medicines is probably the same as in all pharmacies .
Pharmacist outside the 2nd window 30.01, I advise you to learn politeness and communication culture, at least say hello to the client, and not sit with a sour face in silence)
An ordinary pharmacy, an electronic queue works, there are comfortable sofas for waiting. There are many windows for clients, but sometimes they don't work. According to the availability of medicines, the usual set. There were specific drugs like "Tropicamide". I don't know now. Everything has changed because of the sanctions. There are fewer positions of vitamins. There are many different herbal collections.