Yesterday I bought a second car, deo lanos, the guys know their business, they quickly arranged everything, came to see it cleanly, eventually left by car, I recommend this car dealership to everyone.
I found this store on the Internet, called the guys and told them everything in detail)We went with my husband just to see and eventually bought a car🙂
I want to say a big thank you to the staff for the car, I'm glad that I didn't regret and called🙂
For the next car to you🙂
My husband and I are happy )
I advise you to come here and buy 🤘✌
Good day, I bought myself a pojo 306 at the beginning of November, I was very glad to buy it, thanks very much to Yuri and Victor, I advise these specialists to provide top-level service
Inflated prices for cars, especially for old ones that can not be called except corpses, wanted to sell people a Mazda 3 killed, and beaten for a lot of money compared to its condition. I don't recommend it.
I applied for the purchase of an Opel Zafira car. We couldn't arrange a meeting with the car. I've been calling for two days. I've been expecting a meeting for a week.
The choice of cars is small, although the prices are overpriced. Credit and leasing are not very suitable. Since it's too late, a little more than I wanted)))