I didn't like that the medical staff was late for work. At first I came for tests at 8, it turned out that they work from 9. So the nurse came at exactly 9, went to change clothes, and only at 9-06 began the reception. Then I came for an ultrasound at 9. The doctor is on the spot, there is no nurse. I arrived at 9-05. The reception started at 9-10. This is very unpleasant. It's disrespectful to people.
There is no payment by card, only cash is bad. The reception works perfectly, making an appointment by phone will not be a problem, there is a wheelchair for those who find it difficult to walk on their own, ultrasound is at the highest level, the doctor was definitely at the gastroenterologist, it's worth going when you don't know and don't trust and who to go to so as not to waste money, recording in advance, otherwise the problem is to go right away like my stomach got sick, I went to an appointment, I don't know the other doctors, I wasn't there, be healthy