Another branch of hell on earth... The question is not to the employees, but to the management company, when will you learn how to organize the flow of customers? Well, you can't do it yourself, outbid people, hire, steal, or at least do something already. As rush hour, so one window works (the cash register), in the second only currency exchange can be done... But you can pay in another window... Again... Wait in line... Honestly, I'm not an evil person, but I want you to be given a pension every time..
I use the infokiosk regularly, there are no questions to the infokiosk, as well as consultants, they will always come and help. And there are questions with cash registers, you can spend a lot of time in queues
The waiting time is about 5-10 minutes. The staff is excellent: they are always polite and ready to help solve a problem of any complexity. The ATM is always in working condition and works 24/7