The operator is driving.
I tell her to replace the SIM from 3G to 4G, and she gives me a passport and that's it, which I don't have!
She thought that I had lost the SIM, as a result, half a day was lost because I returned home and communicated with the operator through 0611 and returned to the office after lunch, then the operators communicated with the office operator and only a year later I asked if I could buy a new SIM and enter the new code on the old SIM while transferring the number to the new SIM, she realized that I had the sim with me and performed the operations I suggested in 5 minutes.
I didn't immediately understand what I needed.
A good assortment of food))). Delicious ready-made mantas, especially mixed with pumpkin. There is fresh beef and minced meat. Fresh vegetables, greens. There are household chemicals in the basement, very convenient. Prices can be 3-5 rubles more than other stores, and in some positions they are cheaper than everywhere else.
Well done to the staff working there.they will always help you with any problem that occurs on your phone.everyone is given time to explain and fix a particular problem.Thank you.I recommend it to my friends
The connection is disgusting, there is no opportunity to change in our city, it's a pity, otherwise I would have changed this connection a long time ago!!!!
Competent and competent employees. There are no queues, comprehensive answers have been received to the existing questions, it is nice when customers value their personal time.
I don't understand why this salon is needed. They don't sell normal phones, only average cheap models. You can pay for communication services without this salon, SIM cards are also available in every grocery store... It's kind of incomprehensible.
Обслужили и полностью решили все вопросы, но есть одна серьезная проблема - ОЧЕНЬ долгое обслуживание! При очереди например в 5 человек можно запросто просидеть до 2 часов! (несмотря на то, что работают 2 менеджера, у них распределение обязанностей таково, что 80% клиентов вынуждены выстраиваться только к одной из них). Учитывая, что, как я понял, это связано с тем, что только у одной из них есть компьютер с полноценным доступом к собственным базам и сервисам, то возможно следует, как минимум, оснастить такими же возможностями и второго менеджера тоже? Это позволило бы наверное на 30% и более ускорить процесс..
Время на замену SIM - 1,5 часа, один сотрудник, который занимается продажей, бумагами и всем подряд. В офисе отсутсвует возможность сделать ксерокопию документа. Постоянные очереди.