The office, like the specialist, is at the highest level. I liked that the office is equipped with the latest technology) Inna is a versatile specialist with knowledge of physiology and anatomy, so she can solve any problem and at the same time painlessly! No one has ever given me socks after a pedicure or given me such a stunning massage! And, I almost forgot, there was also a home spa treatment as a gift- paraffin therapy, now my heels are like a baby's! I will recommend and give gift certificates so that everyone can get super services!
I have been looking for a depilation specialist for a very long time, but when I got to Inna, I realized that this is exactly the professional I was looking for!😻
First of all, she really does her job well✅
Secondly, she is a wonderful person with whom it is interesting to talk-to distract from a painful procedure (which is extremely important, especially with a low pain threshold)
I also highly recommend going for a pedicure (I also got quality and relaxation)
And beautiful socks after a pedicure are a nice bonus😌🧦
I really want to thank Inna for her skill.A child (13 years old)the nail has grown in and the finger is badly inflamed.At the hospital, they gave me a bunch of stupid recommendations and after leaving the doctor, I started looking for a podiatrist.I called two organizations and they rudely refused me.I dialed the third number and was answered an hour later.We arrived and Ina did the impossible for the child.The child is happy that his torment has been eased.She let us go only after she told us in detail about our further actions and gave us medicine.I will advise such a high professional to my friends.Thank you so much!!!!!!!
P.S. And the child was also delighted with super socks))))