Две сочные говяжьи котлеты, обжаренные до золотистой корочки. Хрустящий микс салат и свежие овощи создают приятный контраст. Сыр чеддер придаёт нежный сливочный вкус. Пикантный соус добавляет пряный аромат
30 Br530 g
Бургер Классический
Нежная говяжья котлета, обжаренная до золотистой корочки. Хрустящий микс салат и свежие овощи создают приятный контраст. Сыр чеддер придаёт сливочный вкус. Пикантный соус добавляет пряный аромат
24 Br400 g
Бургер Сырный
Сочная говяжья котлета. Сырная составляющая — ароматный чеддер и солоноватый сулугуни. Хрустящий жареный бекон отлично сочетается с остальными ингредиентами. Пикантный карамельный лук и свежие томаты добавляют сочности и лёгкости вкусу. Завершает ком
25 Br460 g
Фирменный бургер
Две сочные говяжьи котлеты, обжаренные до золотистой корочки. Хрустящий карамельный лук и ароматный лук фри добавляют сладость и пикантность. Сырный соус и соус барбекю делают вкус более насыщенным и ярким. Завершает композицию хрустящий бекон и золо
33 Br600 g
Картофель фри
Картофель, обжаренный до золотистой корочки, хрустящий снаружи и мягкий внутри. Является популярным гарниром или закуской, которая отлично сочетается с различными соусами
8 Br150 g
Пряные дольки
Картофель, обжаренный до золотистой корочки, хрустящий снаружи и мягкий внутри. Является популярным гарниром или закуской, которая отлично сочетается с различными соусами
Hopes for a private beer pub for the local public have not been fulfilled. The food is normal. Wings and fest are quite pleasant. Thanks to the cook.
Hofbrau booth was poured as from different taps. Sometimes sweet, sometimes bitter. The taste of the beer and the density of the foam lasted until the third glass. By the fifth, Grimbergen and Hofbrau were delivered in glasses from the Gorky brewery for a reason, obviously. The watery contents treacherously slid down the walls without a trace, leaving no hint of dense contents. Sour meat served under the guise of Grimbergen revived the worst memories from Soviet bottling. Assessment for the interior and kitchen. For the greed of the bartender minus two points.
Ah. Yes...
before leaving, I tried in vain to look into the eyes of the bartender. He was deliberately fussing behind the counter in an empty hall, "honestly" working out the required man-hours on camera.
I visited a bar with the company the other day . I would like to mention the friendly staff, fast service. We were confused about the choice of burgers . But a nice girl helped me make a choice and hit the nail on the head, I really liked everything. We got into the atmosphere of the real American style bar . We were there for the first time, we were left with a pleasant impression. We will definitely come again
I have not been to the institution itself, but I decided to try a set from the Gastrofest at my leisure. And, you know, I was really surprised! Let's start with the advantages, there are few of them, and, unfortunately, they have nothing to do with the institution. The delivery arrived quickly enough, but what they brought must be seen in person. Words cannot describe my impressions of the appearance of the dishes, but numbers can be: 0/10, and 0 is even an overestimate, a ten-point system cannot cope with these "delicious" dishes. Well, let's start in order. The burger, if you can call it that, looks like the chefs fought for it with a pack of stray dogs, and the battle was clearly fierce, the burger looks disgusting, and it tastes even worse. I would never have thought that beef could be so spoiled, they really tried in the kitchen and broke another bottom. The pita was surprisingly edible, but it's still difficult to call it tasty. The sauce was poured from the bottom, there was nothing in common with the declared one, the usual cheap mayonnaise, the chicken was clearly overcooked, dry and tasteless, but the vegetables were piled heartily, so much so that half of them remained on the plate. Pita without even a hint of roasting, well, thanks at least without mold, you can expect anyone from this place. The apogee of this gastronomic art was "mac and cheese ", the composition declared Italian pasta, cheddar and something else. It sounds beautiful, but in fact it is a ball consisting of overcooked pasta of 3 grades, apparently even pigs did not want to eat this sticky mass, so this mixture was sent to this institution in troughs, where it was divided into balls and fried in oil. I think it's clear what it tastes like, it seems the director of this eatery is a fascist, otherwise I see no reason to feed people like this, and I'll remind you for money! Peppers with cheese. Here I praise, if you close your eyes, imagine a photo from an instragram in front of you, then it can even be called delicious, the main thing is not to open your eyes. It has nothing to do with the photo, the peppers feel like they are bought from African farmers, where they were raised in the desert without a hint of water, there are no other explanations. In the photo, a beautiful red bell pepper, in fact, something remotely resembling pepper was brought, and an overgrown bean pod in size. Grissini. Another dish that the chefs fought off from a pack of street animals, and believe me, I will not wish anyone to see what grissini saw. In appearance, it looks more like the fingers of a century-old woman, it tastes about the same. The bacon separated from the loaf by itself, had the consistency of dried leaves, the taste corresponds to the appearance with a slight taste of meat. Some of the baking is dry and stale. Kimchi cucumbers. I still did not understand what exactly the word kimchi means in the name, cucumbers are cucumbers in Africa, even these talented chefs could not spoil them, although there were clearly attempts.
Needless to say, 40 rubles for this set should be paid to you, the chefs clearly have a hidden talent, I praise them, but they deliberately hide it, and I would like to hide it further. The feeling that even in prison the food is better, while writing this review, memories of this wonderful dish surfaced in my head, which greatly slowed down the writing process, since it was almost impossible to restrain the urge to vomit. That's probably why the institution has such a high rating, and for those who are going to go here, I sincerely wish you good luck and good health, you will obviously need it. I am ready to pay someone who catches the chef of this, God forgive me, restaurant and makes him eat all the positions of this set. If I could put 0 stars, I would put 0, if I could spit in the cook's face, I would spit, so far this is the worst thing I've tried in my life, of course an interesting experience, but I don't want to repeat it anymore and I don't advise anyone.