This is no longer a bazaar, it is a modern shopping complex. Previously, the Kentau bazaar, with shopping malls, was, in my opinion, much cooler! But it was a long time ago, and now everything is subordinated to modern realities!
There is no order in the bazaar, points with the same goods are spread throughout the area. Prices are not regulated. It's different everywhere. But in general it has become cleaner than it was
Hopefully, when it's finished there won't be a mess. Especially from the vegetable growers. Randomly, anywhere... It is necessary to fine the owners of the market, not the traders, first of all
There are very few parking lots. There is a mess inside the market. There are a lot of people on the roadway, it is possible to drive by car, but for a very long time. There is no order within the market, in terms of a group of products. That is, you buy socks and you can buy both salad and flour nearby. But when you're looking for something specific, you need to go all over the market. And the market is not small.
It's a great place.Vitaly, a tinsmith, works there. A good craftsman.I recommend it.but someone set up an anti-like.what exactly is unsettling about my comment?I think he is a master and I will speak
It's very dirty. There are a lot of cars that prevent people from walking. Sellers are cold in winter, it would be good if there were boutiques in the flea market.