I really love visiting Karakalpakstan, this part of our republic breathes freedom, and the beauty and authenticity of the landscapes are breathtaking.
The Chilpyk Tower is an iconic structure. This is the cultural heritage of the state, which is located in the center of the Great Silk Road. The lands of modern Uzbekistan have at all times absorbed all the best and most progressive technologies and thoughts of the era. This place is a burial place according to Zoroastrian traditions. Following them, decomposing flesh carries contamination for the outside world, so they tried to distance it from the earth, where it could be absorbed by scavengers, and bones could be naturally cleansed by the sun, withering wind and natural precipitation. Thus, the Chilpyk Tower is a very unusual attraction that should be visited in order to feel its energy on its own. The tower is located near the road leading to Nukus, so it will not be difficult for travelers discovering Uzbekistan by car to get to it. In my humble opinion, the best time to visit it is certainly the beginning of the new year according to the Zoroastrian calendar, which falls on the vernal equinox and is traditionally celebrated on March 21, known as Nowruz.
An interesting place to watch, it's worth stopping by.
The entrance to the shilpik is a comb, it is better to go through the field. And a guy will run up to you and ask for payment, no matter how you approach the complex. It's official. The views are excellent.