I, FIRA PIVNIK, was a patient of Dr. BARUCH!!!according to BARUCH, he incorrectly calculated the dose of anesthesia and I got a painful SHOCK!!The pressure has jumped from 135 to 220!!! I lost consciousness right in the cross!!! The DOCTOR tried to bring me to my senses---hit me in the face, poured water on me, connected oxygen .......I felt bad and he decided to call an ambulance!!! I GOT TO THE HOSPITAL!!!where I was brought to my senses!!! The witnesses of this incident are
the doctor's assistant who measured my blood pressure, the doctor and the nurse from the ambulance and my husband, who was standing next to me!!! THERE IS AN EXTRACT FROM THE LENIADO HOSPITAL!!!! Everything described is TRUE!!!! I do not recommend contacting such a doctor BARUCH!!!
God forbid you to get to this "stamotologist"!!!! He destroyed six ceramic-metal crowns apparently to make money on his new ones and ruined two removable dentures so that the upper one had to be glued to the implants. That's such a Dokhtur!