ACEA A3/B4, API SN/CF, MB 229.1, VW 501.01/505.00, RN700
16600 ₸5 l
Bardahl 5W30 5л
Высокопроизводительное синтетическое моторное масло для бензиновых и дизельных автомобилей.Подходит для любых типов двигателей (с
турбонаддувом или без него, с сажевым фильтром или без него). Для увеличенных интервалов замены масла.
23800 ₸5 l
Bardahl 5W40
ACEA A3/B4, API SN/CF, MB 229.3/229.5, BMW Longlife-01, VW 502.00/505.00, Porsche A40, Renault RN0700/RN0710, GM-LL-B-025, PSA B71 2296, VOLVO 95200356
I constantly change the oil in the bardal service to suyunbai before the oil was excellent, the last replacement was two months ago, after the replacement the engine began to work roughly, the fake got caught, they poured the filling machine, now I think where to change the oil now and which one
Professional staff! They change the oil efficiently and quickly. A wide range of consumables and oils. This is the best option for me, as it is convenient to stop by. It is advisable to make an appointment in advance. They work very neatly and cleanly. Evgeny and Victor are Masters of their craft. I don't know the others, but I think they match them. I recommend it!