Услуга выполняется и использованием профессионального оборудования. Мытьё головы до и после стрижки. Укладка с использованием примиальных стайлинговых сретств. Создание формы бороды и четких контуров с использованием машинок, шейвера и бритвы-шаветт
45 Br
Услуга выполняется и использованием профессионального оборудования. Мытьё головы до и после стрижки. Укладка с использованием примиальных стайлинговых сретств.
Mentally, stylishly, great!
An excellent team that knows their business. If you do not know what kind of hairstyle you want, then they will tell you. Did you come earlier? It doesn't matter - you can have coffee and chat, or play a game console.
I just dialed on the phone to this so-called salon under a fashionable name.
The girl picked up the phone, did not introduce herself, did not say hello, asked me to make an appointment for tomorrow.
Said: - there is a new master, but WE cannot guarantee the quality, but we take the money, yes!
That is, a student will practice techniques on me as on a mannequin, and at the same time I still have to pay and go to demonstrate the ugliness done by this student.
And at the same time she hung up the phone without waiting for an explanation.
They sell the service without proper quality.
I did a haircut in this place.
The impressions were good.
The master listened attentively to everything, and most importantly, she heard.
All wishes were taken into account and fulfilled.
The top place for your haircut)