Закуска из нутового пюре с добавлением кунжутной пасты, оливкового масла и сока лимона Посыпается паприкой
1990 ₸0 g
Куриный суп
Суп-лапша по-домашнему с куриной грудкой, на основе куриного бульона с добавлением куркумы и куриного яйца. Посыпается мелко резанным шпинатом. Подается с чесночными крутонами.
1990 ₸0 g
Стейк Мясника
Мраморный стейк зернового откорма обжаренный на гриле, гарнируется с миксом салата с халапеньо, подается с мясным соусом
6390 ₸0 g
Стейк Рибай без кости
Грамм мраморной говядины, подаётся с миксом салата, халапеньо и домашний соус BBQ
So impressive. The cuisine is international and spot on. Decor was nicely atmospheric with cool interior lighting and nice window onto the kitchen. As for the the music, it was pleasant to have in the background, although it seemed a band were setting up as if for a show but then didn't play or maybe hsd just finished. It's a good way from the centre and we thought probably we'd made a wrong turning sonewhere, but then found it.
Immediately from the trumps! Shish kebab from sturgeon is delicious, and the rest of the shish kebab is delicious, RESPECT for the barbecue!!!! the atmosphere is calm, the service is excellent, the staff is polite, the cuisine is 100 points. If Aktau is definitely here!
Everything is incredibly delicious. The meat is exactly theirs, it is very tender and melts in the mouth. Staff service is excellent. Pleasant atmosphere. You can smoke a hookah on the veranda, on Friday evening you got to live music, the girl sang very well. I definitely recommend it!!!