From the first minutes, there was a feeling that they were not in a sauna, but in a regime enterprise. All the walls, counters, and doors were covered with notices of all kinds of prohibitions. The quintessence was the announcement that video surveillance was being conducted (in the sauna, Karl!). The administrator corresponded to the whole entourage: she behaved haughtily and strictly, warning about everything that they did not have time to write an ad about. I especially liked the requirement to get out of the pool dry, because we can fill the floor near it with water... Yes, they demanded an additional fee for everything, which was strange against the background of the rather high rental price of 8,000 tenge per hour.
Everything is bad. Don't believe the pictures, there's no hot water in the shower. It takes a long time to wait , and it 's barely warm . I don't recommend it. The worst vacation ever
I ordered several times for non-resident guests, but, to be honest, I don't want to repeat the experience of visiting anymore. Cleanliness must be restored