So, it's been two years since I've been "serviced" at Buckeye Bank. It is clear that the measure is forced, and therefore we immediately omit a whole layer of claims that you and I would have had if we had come to at least a third-class bank in the Russian Federation. I want to start by immediately warning a potential bank customer - get all your traditional ideas about banks out of your head. Everything that you will see, including offices, maintenance staff, a bunch of documents, a cash register and even a mobile application, are all DECORATIONS. Your money, especially the currency and especially if you are from the Russian Federation, goes to a separate cash register and from that moment on you are a conditional depositor of this money. They seem to be on the screen of your phone, but you can't do anything with them. And now they have also begun to refuse to withdraw this money, while you will find out about it when you come to withdraw currency. Get ready that you will be asked idiotic questions about the source of origin, asked to prove that you are not a drug dealer and other heresy. There's probably no point in being indignant, why they didn't do it when you deposited the money, since everything is clear with this (you're a fool yourself that you fell for it). Now we need to talk about swift translations when they were still "working". This is a separate comic story. In the theoephone application, you could allegedly go in and transfer money, for example, to Azerbaijan. You open the page, but you can't do the translation, because your interface does not allow you to type in the swift number and you start writing to support, they keep you busy all day and if you're lucky, they change the picture on your phone with a different interface, where oh, la there is a recapitulation for swift. The first time we decided that there was a technical glitch, but when it became the norm, we realized that the meaning of all this is simple - there is no physical currency in your account, only a picture, and the whole point of replacing the picture in your phone is that while you are being tortured, the "bank" collects the necessary information for your I transfer the amount and then changes the interface for you and allows you to send the transfer))) In a word, the staff of bakai bank is divided into three categories, the first are actors (frontmen), the second sit in offices and do not realize that they are playing a role, the second are techies who create the illusion of the bank's technology and draw you a picture comfortable for the eyes in the phone and the third category are those who manually shovel your currency by reselling its on the exchange rate, etc. That is, by making speculative transactions. Separately, you need to stop at premium cards, t.n. "infiniti cars", here you can hold your stomach, they throw down on you, that you can save on commission on swift transfers, go 6 times to the business halls of the airports, wrap your luggage in the Bishkek airport, etc. And the most important thing is the PERSONAL MANAGER))) So, when you receive the card, you will be frozen 600 dollars, which you no longer have factually, they are in the "work" of the third category. I do not recommend approaching the baggage wrapping at Bishkek airport and saying that you are the lucky owner of an infinity card, because you will be publicly sent. They refused us in the Turkish business hall, wondering what kind of card it was. Well, there is a separate story with a PERSONAL MANAGER, who, if he answers you, is already a reason for joy, this is where its functionality ends. Well, there is no need to talk about saving on the commission of swift transfers, because it was mentioned above - transfers to you, as a citizen of the Russian Federation, were refused. I expressed my purely subjective opinion based on personal experience of servicing in this bank. I consider the maximum usefulness of this bank to be the use of cards on tourist trips, and therefore it is advisable to keep a maximum of 100,000 SOM on them. I do not recommend considering this bank for saving money, well, for money transfers. I will be glad if someone was. useful feedback
A terrible bank. SWIFT translations do not come from the word at all. The bank responds by unsubscribing that the problem is with the correspondent bank. But it's not the customers who choose the correspondent bank, but the management of Bakai Bank chose and signed contracts with correspondent banks. As a result, after 3 months of waiting and regular unsubscriptions from employees, I decided to terminate the contract, while the deposit for opening the card was also refused to be returned.
I would like to thank Gulzat Ismayilova (who works at the main branch),
who was understanding of my question and
approached it very responsibly. She helped me solve my problem.