Вещает iKassa! 🧡
Рады сообщить, что на нашем канале Дзен вышла новая статья "Как работает программная касса: особенности и специфика функц...
February 18, 08:41
Вещает iKassa! 🧡
Рады сообщить, что на нашем канале Дзен вышла новая статья "Удобные и многофункциональные онлайн кассы iKassa Smart X".
January 27, 12:42
All news (38)
Products and services
Hasn't been updated for a while
программный платежный терминал iKassaPAY
iKassaPay - это мобильное приложение для приема бесконтактных платежей через NFC-модуль на Android-смартфоне. Ощутите новый уровень простоты, безопасности и удобства приема платежей с iKassaPay
27 Br
Чековый принтер для ПК iKassa Smart X
Мобильный чековый принтер для подключения к смартфону. Чековая лента 56/57мм. Подключение по Bluetooth. Аккумулятор.
129 Br
ПК iKassa Smart X на Feitian F20
Решение со встроенной кассой, банковским терминалом, чековым принтером и СКО. РАССРОЧКА от 60BYN/мес. АРЕНДА 58,80BYN/мес. Подключение сканера ШК и весового оборудования. Интеграция с 1С и другими учетными системами.
780 Br
ПК iKassa Smart X на NexGO N5
Решение со встроенной кассой, банковским терминалом, чековым принтером и СКО. АРЕНДА 60BYN/мес. Интеграция с 1С и другими учетными системами.
834 Br1 pcs.
ПК iKassa Smart X на NexGO N86
Решение со встроенной кассой, банковским терминалом, чековым принтером и СКО. АРЕНДА 60BYN/мес. РАССРОЧКА 1мес. Интеграция с 1С и другими учетными системами.
780 Br
ПК iKassa Smart Х
ПК iKassa Smart Х— это полный перечень кассовых операций, личный кабинет с аналитикой, книгой кассира-операциониста, каталогом товаров и услуг. Дифференцированный и суммовой учет. Интеграция с 1С и другими учетными системами.
10.8 Br1 pcs.
ПК iKassa X на PAX A930 RTX
Решение со встроенной кассой, банковским терминалом, чековым принтером и СКО. РАССРОЧКА 3/6/11/24мес. Подключение сканера ШК и весового оборудования. Интеграция с 1С и другими учетными системами.
798 Br1 pcs.
ПК iKassa Smart X на Feitian F100
Программная касса и платежный терминал с чековым принтером и СКО внутри корпуса. Удобный бюджетный вариант!
480 Br
ПК iKassa Smart X на PAX 910
Решение со встроенной кассой, банковским терминалом, чековым принтером и СКО. РАССРОЧКА 3/6мес. Интеграция с 1С и другими учетными системами.
I liked everything right away. Connected in the 20th year. But, after a year and a half, my sales register stopped being updated and somehow supported (and you still have to pay the subscriber, which, by the way, is higher than that of competitors. When I connected, they told me about a cheap subscriber, but they forgot to add that only for the first two or three months, and then that's it, the shop is closed, only for new customers, and you pay more). As a result, I used my cash register until 2024 and everything seemed to suit me, but then changes in the law began to come out, and I decided to update the cash register in advance. They wrote seamless transitions and stuff on their website, but when I arrived, they told me you can just throw out the old cash register and kindly offered to buy a new one)) I also bought the cash register through them in 2020. Result. After updating them, the cash register stopped turning on at all and became completely useless, although before that it punched checks, sent data to the tax service, and did not require anything else from it. I had to urgently look for options. So don't even believe their words. Buying new cash registers every year and a half....well, it's such fun to keep up with their support and updates. And which are supported by cash registers, which they also recommend for purchase.
It boiled over.They write about 24/7 technical support. In fact, it is missing. You have to wait weeks for at least some answers, and often they just ask again, "has your question been resolved?" instead of answering the question already posed.
Software errors and instability are very common. There are no specific solutions. The "keys flew off", the "core did not connect" and so on. The device gives the receipt, then it does not, it wrote an error in the operation and did not give the receipt, but in fact withdrew the funds.
They compulsively offer their products, calling them the most advanced and convenient, but in fact a raw and unstable product.
After the last software update, the RRN and accumulation numbers stopped being printed on the receipt. Of course, there are no solutions to this issue.
I do not recommend this company, I will switch to competitors.
There would be a possibility to put a minus sign. The support service is very disgusting, in order to get through, you need to write wherever possible and only then, perhaps, you will get a call back from the wrong department that you need.
When you call, you're always waiting, then 16, then 2, then maybe you'll be lucky and you'll be the first, but it still doesn't mean anything, after 10 minutes you're reset and you have to do everything all over again. After 1.5 hours of calls, I only managed to get through to support, and a few letters with a callback. Just a terrible attitude towards customers.