It's terrible! It all starts at the threshold, as they say, they are greeted by clothes! They do not make an appointment for the consultation, there is a live queue, the administrator chooses which one to start first. I came in with a scandal, the doctor is rude. I don't know why this Zhaksylykovna is praised, she couldn't even explain to me what the plus and minus of dental anesthesia treatment for a 2-year-old child is. I am not very happy, although the prices there are sky-high. You gentlemen are overeager ! There are no competitors , so you 're getting impudent !
We were at an appointment with a child, sent to one doctor, who went to another , eventually they said we do not have such equipment and sent us to a private hospital
The price for children's dental treatment came out 19 thousand, in the end they gave a juice ball and a certificate, in other places they give a toy, but they treat well and minus there is no sedation and anesthesia
I don't like it when my teeth hurt and the whole procedure is at the dentist. I was so worried about my daughter, but no, the doctors are polite, my daughter has not cried for 7 years. the tooth was cured and a seal was placed. Super 👍. Recommend.