I know a lot of places with poor service, but I've never seen such a hell on earth. The bus can simply afford not to arrive, they were warned about it 8 minutes before departure. Instead of at least an apology, a boorish attitude. I would especially like to mention the cashier L.V. Shinkarenko, who, unfortunately, could not even write my name on the ticket, and sold me a ticket for which there is no flight. And her colleague (unfortunately, I did not recognize the last name), who, when I tried to resolve the issue, said that I had to arrive two hours earlier for boarding in order to make it to boarding. Dear Bus Station, please check your employees for adequacy before hiring them.
It's dirty, there's nowhere to wait for the bus, the toilet is the entire perimeter of the bus station, literally everyone is rude. The ticket seller, the controller, half of the drivers (not all). I'm generally silent about the "taxi drivers" crowd. I understand that the city is recovering, and these are mostly questions for those in charge of its reconstruction. The bus station is a socially very important facility. The fact that no attention has been paid to him is very bad.
There is no information that if a passenger at the border has a longer passport check, his driver abandons and leaves without compensating for the trip. Then you negotiate with other drivers yourself and pay again.