I go to work every day through the Plekhanovskaya bus station. In sunny weather, there is nowhere to hide from the sun, and you have to stand for a long time, since route 30 rarely goes and there are always queues for it. And in rainy weather, and if there is slush with mud and snow, then imagine this mess! Drivers on different routes come across different, but often boors and boors, especially about saying where to get the change and pouring dirty statements on beneficiaries, and almost all drivers do not stop at intermediate stops to pick up a grandmother or grandfather, because they know that they will not pay. There are a whole bunch of these beggars with cups on Plekhanovo, and the same ones at that. My wishes are to make the intervals of movement of minibuses shorter, since the buses are crowded, sometimes, especially when traffic jams are on the roads, people can be carried out of the bus on stretchers, since it is impossible to be in a confined space, in stuffiness, stench, etc. I hope my feedback will be heard!
Although the city is clean, it leaves much to be desired. It feels like he's frozen in the 90s.
I was very surprised that there is not a single station where you can wait out the time In the WARMTH! A kind woman in the control room sheltered my heavy bag (Plekhanovo station) .
I went to look for the toilet, which was closed.
The bus arrived 4 hours earlier, from Moscow. And he dropped me off somewhere at night. A male traveling companion called himself a taxi and took me to two existing hotels that were not working. He took me to Plekhanovo, where I was supposed to be met at 9 a.m.
I went into the store to warm up, where the seller with a Ukrainian accent clearly sent me to warm up outside (at t ° minus). I had to go to where my luggage was sheltered))).
A lovely woman in the control room!!!! May God grant you health and well-being!!! If you ever read this, know that I will remember you and thank you all my life!!! I waited all this time at her place until my husband met me!
I still got into the public toilet, but I couldn't "do" anything, because I was turning inside out from the ambergris. I endured until 10 a.m., to the apartment.
I just visited the 90s. I can't explain it any more.