Of the 6 places, 3 are working, and so it always is, there is no foam as such, the pressure is so-so, the last time it was the "water with powder" mode, there was only one water. The price tag is the same as in the city, and the service is terrible. The lights don't turn on everywhere, so if you wash your car in winter, it's in the dark. The exchanger practically does not work, especially in the evening. The proud inscription "bottom washing", in fact, it does not exist and did not exist. In general, if you want to wash your car and drive away on a dirty one, it's here.
Of the six boxes, only two are working, two. In order for the car to come out clean, you need to work with a cloth yourself - the foam is not working. The machines accept both coins and banknotes. There is a change, a vacuum cleaner and a cube with a free washer.
The only advantage of this car wash is a free break.
There are 3 boxes working, there is almost no foam, I only left the box in the sun, as if I hadn't washed the car, although I didn't spare any money. I'm only glad that when I called the person in charge of the car wash, the money was returned